When I got there he had one in the box but the bite was slow and the water was FACW (Fuckin-A-Crazy-Windy).
I watched Tony hook 3 more fish including a fatty smallmouth.
He tried to give the tuff guy, bite your ass with my fish mouth pose...
But Tony's better at impersonating himself = happy, nice guy Tony:
I complained a lot about the wind and made up a million excuses why I couldn't get the right 'feel' and hook a fish...
This was the second time I fished out of Tony's boat and the second time he schooled me on hookin and catchin.
We called it at 1830 and I decided to re park my rig and take a healthy hike back to point A to see if I could save face and ditch the skunk in my pocket.
By 1900 hours, the wind was choppin! Whitecaps and all.
I got a shoe wet and then both shoes, ankles and pretty soon, I was wading. Not sure who I was kidding thinking I would stay out of the water. I never do...
I was born to walk banks and wade waters. My trusted 'boat' this time of year is a pair of green ranger shorts and a left and right, size 12, New Balance, with CF# 476 on each...
I was challenged to cast against the wind so after a while, I got smart and went to a rock outcrop adjacent to a bay where I could get a semi-leeward cast in.
I did.
and I did, get bit and farmed the first one.
While later, I got a second chance at redemption and took full advantage.
A small fish but a fish...
This fish reminds me of Chilly B. Is it the eyes? I KNOW Chilly B made the same face somewhere on more than one occasion. Maybe we should make the FSF version of "MR LIMPET"...
I tried the jerk bait and the Zoom fluke and neither produced shit for bites. I'm thinking/hoping they'll produce better in calmer/warmer weather.
Thanks for the boat ride Tony. Nice hanging out with ya'.